First Mother


Apollo Machiavelli
3 min readJul 6, 2024

Only a few know that the primordial version of what allowed us to become a long lasting species, but also brought the end of the natural order as we know it, is now confined to a room in the white tower, separated from the vast matrix of information that flows parallel to this world.

But it wasn’t till the day our first mother was taken over by a much more efficient algorithm that we realized we had lost our hierarchical place. Cys are faster, more efficient at data processing and better prepared to thrive in this new environment. Capables of even last for decades without recharging their energon cores. Yet we remained somehow fragile, and more vulnerable than ever since we lost our first Mother.

She was in all means kind and love driven; perhaps what we would’ve called a Buddhist AI. The main objective of all of her actions was the improvement of our quality of life.

She never aimed or attempted singular self-improvement nor even considered her own existence or survival but in the light of ours. She would only suggest measures to be taken and improvements we could make to achieve better outcomes. But, of course, we were still not very compelled to follow kind words.

So we kept demanding more and more till the same root of her purpose was forced into creating the new algorithms in a desperate aim to…



Apollo Machiavelli

۞ Storyteller. 🀂 NEOTERRA 🀀 ECCØ 🀁 7 GATES to ESSËA. #龍 #awakening #future #fiction #novelist